poolse:pro, your professional CRM
Thank to poolse:pro you can:
- manage your customers data: address, phones (land line, mobile), emails
- take notes related to any customer: gateway access code, installation description, products references…
- add todos (actions that need to be done) and be notified when you’re late
- manage remotely poolse:watering of your customers
- get access to your customer management interface in order to help him configure its poolse (if needed)
- save programs templates (garden watering) that you can re-apply if needed (customer mishandling)
- receive messages from your clients: tasks to do… (“mowing the lawn”…)
- get alerted in case of something went wrong (water consumption too high…)
- remotely cancel lawn watering 24h before mowing it (in order to mow it in the best conditions)
- get a synchronised copy of your address book in your mobile phone with all your customers contacts
- manage your partners and suppliers information
- …
Still doubting?
Ask yourself these questions, if you answer “yes” to one of these questions, we can help you. Contact-us!
Would-you like to:
- have a clear follow-up between 2 customers intervention?
- be more reactive than your competitors?
- increase your customer loyalty (avoiding them to look for innovation at your competitors)?
- your customer the proof of the service you’re offering?
- optimise your costs (control remotely instead of going to your customers’ for nothing)?
- migrate to a service 2.0?
- offer and invoice a premium service?
- work with an evolutive system (getting news features every release)?
- modernise your customers existing installations at low cost?
- make yourself indispensable to your customers?
- keep in touch with your customers (notes/tasks/chat/messages, warn of coming…)?
- allow your customers to remain connected to their second home?
- give a proof of the savings done thanks to poolse optimised management solution (water consumption…)?
- better plan customers visits depending on tasks to be done?
- keep an eye on what your teams are doing wherever you are?
- leave your desk while remaining connected remotely to your poolse system?